The Last Bookstore

There’s something special about a good thrift store.

Rainbow racks of clothing crammed wall to wall. Dishes, vases, baskets and knick-knacks stretching from floor to ceiling. Old toys and new piled high alongside puzzles and games. The smell of something old and long forgotten. The smell of a treasure waiting to be found.

After weaving through aisles overflowing with treasures of all kinds, I look for the greatest thrift store find of all…books!

In my travels across this country, I visited a multitude of thrift shops in search of books I desperately needed. Some may dispute the definition of “desperately” here….

Aside from thrift stores, another fabulous place to treasure hunt are used book stores.

“The Last Bookstore” in Los Angeles, California was quite possibly the most magical bookstore I’ve ever visited.

Offering both new and used books, it wasn’t just those fabulous spines tucked into every corner that made it the best.

From the overstuffed couch where people and cats lounged, to the multiple book themed sculptures, every detail created an immersive shopping experience. Not to mention the Labyrinth upstairs where books were placed in no particular order upon a twisting maze of bookshelves, and everything was a dollar.

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It’s possible I found several (20) books I desperately needed and was quite pleased with myself…until I started the long walk home.

Remembering “The Last Bookstore” made me think how fun it would be to compile a list of all the best bookstores and thrift stores (with excellent book offerings) across the country.

So, after strolling through the tunnel of books…..

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…comment below with your favorite bookstore or thrift store and the city it’s in and I will add it to the map!

I’ve started by adding a few of my favorites. I’m excited to hear from all of you and hoping there will be lots of new dots on the map soon.